Appeasing the Uninitiated

The following are two paragraphs that will be added to new books going forward. If you feel that it’s a waste of precious real estate on the page, I agree with you. Don’t blame us; don’t even blame our legal advisor. It’s the uninitiated, with their lack of critical thinking skills and unchecked urge to pick fights over minutiae that brought us to this place. 

The first is a fancy way of saying we’re using standard fantasy terminology drawn from the common language, and thus pay no heed to anyone’s licenses. It will, of course, only be used in fantasy-related titles. 

Shared Heritage and Intellectual Property

With today's complex landscape of intellectual property, it's important to clarify our stance on the language and concepts we use. In crafting this book, we have drawn upon words and concepts from historical, mythological, and literary sources. These elements are part of our shared heritage, freely available for creative exploration. This book stands as an independent work, uninfluenced by any corporate attempt to limit or restrict language or the free exchange of ideas. We assert our rights as creators, with full copyright ownership, and owe no fealty to any corporation or entity that seeks to impose limitations on this rich and varied lexicon.

The second is a fancy way of saying that the use of boilerplate copy, similar phrasing, and the same outline slightly modified from book to book is an intentional choice intended to be a feature. It not a clue that we’re using generative AI, it’s how prolific writers have created content since the days of the pulp magazines. It won’t assuage the conspiracy theorists and will likely set them off further, but I feel the need to defend my honor as a boda fide hack writer. 

Editorial Consistency and Style Guide Usage

In our commitment to quality and coherence, we use style guides, especially in series, to ensure consistency and continuity both within and across product lines. This practice allows us to maintain a cohesive voice and narrative structure that our readers can rely on. By adhering to these guides, we provide a seamless and immersive experience that reflects the dedication and expertise of our team, preserving the integrity and quality of our releases. This approach stands as a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional content, independent of external influences that might compromise our creative standards.

I hope you’re doing well today.


Lightspress Manifesto: 9 July 2024


The Art of Improvisation in Roleplaying