Our Creative Agenda

At Lightspress, we’re not just filling a niche—we’re reshaping what roleplaying can be, challenging conventions, and setting a new standard for creativity in the industry. We cater to those who are hungry for something different, something that defies the traditional and surpasses the expected. Our creative agenda is built on a foundation of variety, inspiration, and depth, offering a range of experiences that engage the mind and stir the soul.

Serving Overlooked Niches

Our mission goes beyond the mainstream; it’s about shining a light on the genres that go unnoticed by other publishers. We’re drawn to the cozy warmth of fantasy that provides an escape from the chaos of everyday life, where players can immerse themselves in worlds of comfort and serenity. But we also venture into the intellectual intrigue of dark academia, a genre that explores the mysteries of knowledge, power, and the human condition. And then there’s magical realism, a space where the mundane and the fantastical coexist, blurring the lines between reality and imagination in a way that’s both subtle and profound.

We believe that every genre has its own unique charm, and we’re committed to exploring them all. This commitment extends to modern genres that deserve more attention—mystery, espionage, and romance, for example. These genres are overshadowed by the giants of fantasy and horror, but they hold just as much potential for meaningful storytelling. We’re here to ensure that these stories are not only told but celebrated, offering players a diverse range of experiences that go beyond the usual fare.

A Literary Foundation

At the heart of our games is a deep and abiding love for literature. We don’t just skim the surface—we dive deep into the literary traditions that have shaped storytelling for centuries. Our inspiration comes from classic works and timeless themes that have stood the test of time, influencing countless generations of readers and writers. We’re not afraid to draw on these sources because we know that great literature offers lessons that are just as relevant today as they were when they were first penned.

Our focus is on the elements that make literature great—theme, character, and narrative structure. These are the building blocks of any good story, and they’re the foundation of our games. We design our games to resonate on a deeper level, offering players more than just a series of challenges or a collection of stats. We want our games to tell stories that matter, stories that stay with you long after the game is over. In rooting our games in literary traditions, we’re able to create experiences that are not just entertaining but also intellectually and emotionally satisfying.

Exploring a Variety of Genres

Roleplaying is a vast and varied landscape, and we believe that every corner deserves exploration. We don’t limit ourselves to the familiar; we’re constantly seeking out new genres, new stories, and new ways to engage players. From the whimsical charm of cottagecore, where life slows down and the simple pleasures of the countryside take center stage, to the high-stakes drama of space opera, where epic tales of adventure and exploration unfold among the stars, our games span a wide spectrum of genres.

Each genre we explore is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring that it offers a unique experience for players. We understand that players have different tastes and that no two gaming groups are the same. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing a variety of experiences, from lighthearted adventures that offer a break from the real world to deep, introspective journeys that challenge players to think critically and explore complex themes. Whatever you’re looking for in a roleplaying game, there’s something in our catalog that will speak to you, offering a fresh perspective and a new way to experience the genre.

Impact of Literature on Storytelling

Our games are, in many ways, a love letter to the power of storytelling. We’re inspired by the classics, but we’re not bound by them. We take what works—timeless themes, compelling characters, and meaningful conflicts—and bring it into the world of roleplaying, where it can be experienced in new and exciting ways. We believe that understanding the mechanics of storytelling, as explored in literature, is key to creating more engaging games.

That’s why you’ll find references to literary techniques and narrative structures throughout our materials. These tools are not just there to add flavor—they’re integral to the way we design our games. In drawing on the lessons of great literature, we’re able to create games that are not only fun to play but also deeply satisfying. We want our players to feel the same sense of immersion and emotional connection that they experience when reading a great book, and we work hard to ensure that our games deliver on that promise.

Refusing to Be Pigeonholed

We have a deep respect for traditional fantasy, but we refuse to be pigeonholed into any one genre or style. Roleplaying is a medium with infinite possibilities, and we’re committed to exploring them all. This means pushing the boundaries of what roleplaying can be, whether through genre experimentation, innovative mechanics, or new ways of engaging with the material. We’re not content to follow trends—we want to set them.

Our refusal to be pigeonholed is a statement of our commitment to creativity and innovation. We believe that roleplaying should be a space where anything is possible, where players can explore new ideas, challenge old assumptions, and create stories that are as unique as they are. We’re constantly looking for new ways to expand the possibilities of roleplaying, whether that means introducing new genres, developing new mechanics, or finding new ways to engage players. We’re here to push the envelope and show the world what roleplaying can be.

Balancing the Old and the New

While we’re always looking forward, we also understand the value of tradition. There’s a lot to learn from the old ways, and we believe that innovation is most powerful when it’s grounded in a solid understanding of what came before. Our creative agenda is all about balancing these two forces—honoring the past while making room for the future.

This approach allows us to craft games that are both familiar and fresh, offering the best of both worlds. For veteran roleplayers, our games offer a sense of nostalgia, a connection to the traditions and experiences that first drew them to the hobby. But they also push these players to explore new horizons, to challenge themselves, and to discover new ways of engaging with the material. For those new to the scene, our games provide an accessible entry point, offering a blend of the familiar and the innovative that makes it easy to dive in and start playing.

Commitment to Depth

Depth is at the heart of everything we do. We’re not here to create shallow experiences or games that only entertain for a single session. Our games are designed to offer layers of meaning, with enough substance to keep players coming back for more. This dedication to depth is what makes us stand out—it’s why our games are more than just a way to pass the time.

When you play one of our games, you’re not just rolling dice and moving pieces around a board. You’re engaging with a carefully curated experience, one that’s been designed to challenge you, inspire you, and keep you thinking long after the game is over. We believe that roleplaying is more than just a hobby—it’s a form of storytelling, a way of exploring ideas, and a means of connecting with others. That’s why we pour so much care and attention into every game we create, ensuring that each one offers something truly special. Whether you’re exploring the complexities of a character’s inner life, unraveling the mysteries of a carefully crafted plot, or simply enjoying the company of friends around the table, our games are designed to provide an experience that’s as deep as it is rewarding.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.


Theory and Practice


The Journey to Simple