Welcome to Lightspress

I'm Berin Kinsman, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to the dynamic universe of Lightspress. With a wealth of experience in the realm of roleplaying, having participated in and guided countless sessions across a myriad of systems, I've dedicated myself to crafting tools that empower both players and guides to shape their own narratives. Since 2014, I've been fully immersed as a publisher, writer, and designer in this captivating world, and I'm thrilled to share the journey with you.

Let's delve deeper into what Lightspress represents. At its core, our mission is to provide a sanctuary for those who relish the freedom of crafting their own adventures, free from the constraints of pre-packaged settings and quests. We challenge the status quo by celebrating genres beyond the conventional realms of fantasy, science fiction, horror, and superheroes. Our vision is to prove that creativity knows no bounds and that even the smallest creators can carve out their own space in this vibrant community.

We pride ourselves on being disruptors in the industry, boldly rejecting the notion that roleplaying is simply a game. Instead, we view it as a collaborative, do-it-yourself creative endeavor that transcends genres and systems. Whether you're drawn to the rebellious spirit of the punk ethos, the elegance of minimalism, or the immersive intimacy of black box theater, Lightspress is here to champion the human interaction and storytelling essence that defines roleplaying.

Now, let's explore the mechanics that underpin the Lightspress experience. Our focus lies in developing foundational systems that are not only robust and versatile but also adaptable to suit the unique needs of any narrative. Rather than inundating you with a barrage of complex rules and mechanics, we empower you to unleash your creativity by providing tools that emphasize storytelling and roleplaying opportunities over traditional combat-centric play.

Among our standout features are the customizable nature of our systems and the emphasis on narrative potential. Whether you're traversing the streets of a contemporary city in DoubleZero: Modern Roleplaying or venturing into the mystical realms of the Foragers Guild series, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

As for our development progress, Lightspress has already made significant strides with several product lines available to explore. However, our journey is far from over. We remain steadfastly committed to continual improvement, with future releases set to embody the philosophy and values that we hold dear.

While we may not boast the same scale as industry behemoths, we firmly believe that there's a niche for those who appreciate the ethos of Lightspress. We invite you to join us on this thrilling adventure, to explore uncharted territories and to shape the future of roleplaying together.

Stay connected with us by subscribing to our weekly newsletter, the Lightspress Manifesto, and enjoy a 20% discount on our shop as a token of our gratitude for your unwavering support.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. Together, let's illuminate the world of roleplaying like never before.

I hope you’re doing well today.

Berin Kinsman

Lightspress Publisher


1 April 2024: A Simple Approach