Fantasy Manifesto Book 3: Worldbuilding


Fantasy Manifesto redefines fantasy roleplaying by blending traditional tropes with a modern character-driven narrative approach. Here, you have the power to build upon familiar concepts while enjoying infinite customization options. Our d20-based resolution system ensures that your adventures are narrative-rich and filled with suspense.

This volume, a valuable companion to Fantasy Manifesto Book 1: System Core, enhances your worldbuilding capabilities. While the core book equips you with a self-contained system to begin your adventures, this volume delves deeper into the art of worldbuilding. It serves as your key to crafting a rich, dynamic, and fully realized setting that captivates your players, offering a boundless canvas for their adventures. Use this companion to infuse depth, meaning, and authenticity into your fantasy realm, enabling the creation of compelling stories and unforgettable experiences.

Lightspress promotes a lo-fi approach to roleplaying, focusing on the utility and value of the content rather than flashy production. We strategically employ visual elements to amplify the message conveyed by the text, allowing us to create powerful and affordable toolkits. Remember, the true essence of the roleplaying experience lies not within the pages of a book, but in the creativity and collaboration fostered around your tabletop.

We design our books with a consistent and standardized format to enhance cohesion among the various titles in the series through shared material.

This Book Contains

Worldbuilding: Embark on a journey of creation and imagination, where you'll learn to shape and breathe life into entire worlds. Explore the art of crafting vibrant settings, rich histories, and captivating cultures that will serve as the backdrop for your epic adventures.

Magic: Traverse the realms of the mystical and supernatural, from the eldritch incantations of dark sorcery to the sacred blessings of divine magic. Learn to wield the powers that bind reality, and unlock the secrets of spells, incantations, and rituals that will shape the course of your adventures.

Treasures: Delve into a realm of boundless wonder and discovery. Uncover the hidden troves of artifacts, enchanted objects, and legendary relics that can turn the tides of fate. Each treasure carries its own lore and potential, waiting to be unearthed by intrepid adventurers.

Creatures: Traverse the realms and encounter a diverse array of beings, both ordinary and extraordinary. From enigmatic automatons to ethereal faeries, from fearsome beasts to godlike entities, the world teems with creatures, each with its own set of abilities, stories, and mysteries to uncover.

Professions: Embark on a journey of self-discovery within various occupations and skill sets. Dive deep into the roles your characters can play in your meticulously crafted world, each profession offering a unique blend of abilities, talents, and contributions to your fantasy realm.

96 pages. PDF, epub, and MOBI files included.

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