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18 April 2024: Publishing My Research

Simplifying involves distilling complex concepts into easily understandable forms without losing their essence or integrity. It's about presenting information clearly and straightforwardly by stripping away unnecessary complexity.

On the other hand, dumbing down entails oversimplifying to the point of losing substance or nuance. This often involves glossing over important details, watering down content, or presenting it in a shallow manner. Dumbing down is patronizing and insults the audience's intelligence by assuming they cannot grasp more complex ideas.

I'm tired of dumbing things down instead of simplifying them. I'm tired of catering to an audience that craves more content but only if it conforms to certain criteria, covers specific topics, and operates within narrow boundaries.

My initial books were based on tools I had developed for my own use—tips, tricks, and checklists to aid in creating other content. My goal was simplification, not dumbing down. I possess decades worth of notes, observations, and advice that I haven't shared because a significant portion of the roleplaying community prefers more of the same, delivered in easily digestible formats. Ironically, these same individuals then lament the repetitiveness without recognizing the irony.

I've decided to start publishing my... research? That doesn't quite capture it. Not as formal academic papers, but rather polished versions of my notes. I aim to explore topics such as what defines a genre, what makes something suitable for adaptation into a roleplaying scenario, and how to effectively execute various ideas. There's extensive analysis involved, and while the "roll dice, kill orc, steal loot" crowd may not be interested, I find these topics engrossing.

I hope you’re doing well today.
