An Accessory You'd Like to See (#RPGaDay2024.09)

Today's prompt for #RPGaDay2024 is "An accessory you'd like to see." Let’s get this straight: I’m too old for anything toyetic. If it’s flashy, gimmicky, or designed to gather dust on a shelf, count me out. What I want is an accessory that’s actually useful, something that enhances my game in a meaningful way. So, let’s follow up on yesterday’s answer about the bullet journal and talk about planner stickers and washi tape that represent specific genres or even specific games.

First off, let’s discuss planner stickers. Yes, stickers. But not just any stickers. I’m talking about high-quality, genre-specific stickers that add a touch of flair to your bullet journal. Whether you’re running a cyberpunk campaign, a fantasy epic, or a noir detective story, there should be stickers to match. Icons for major events, symbols for plot points, and fun little embellishments to make your notes visually appealing and easy to navigate. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good sticker?

Washi tape is another accessory that would be incredibly useful. For those who might not be familiar, washi tape is a type of decorative masking tape that comes in various patterns and colors. Imagine having washi tape that matches the theme of your game. You could use it to mark the edges of pages, highlight important sections, or simply add a bit of visual interest to your journal. It’s a small touch, but it makes a big difference in keeping everything organized and engaging.

Now, let’s talk about why these accessories are more than just pretty decorations. They’re practical tools that help streamline the gaming experience. Stickers make it easy to identify key information at a glance, and washi tape helps separate different sections or themes within your journal. Together, they transform a plain notebook into a powerful tool for managing your campaign.

Imagine you’re running a fantasy campaign. Your bullet journal has stickers to mark significant plot points and washi tape that matches the aesthetic of your world. Every time you open your journal, you’re greeted with a visually cohesive and well-organized tool that makes running your game a breeze.

And this isn’t just for gamemasters. Players can use these accessories too. They can track their character’s journey, note important NPCs, and keep a log of their adventures. It adds a layer of personalization and engagement that enhances the overall experience.

Now, let’s address the snarky side of things. There’s a lot of junk out there marketed as gaming accessories. Dice towers that look cool but take up half the table, miniatures that cost a fortune and break if you look at them wrong, and overly complicated tools that promise to enhance your game but end up being more trouble than they’re worth. We don’t need more of that. We need practical, useful tools that make our gaming lives easier and more enjoyable.

So, if any manufacturers are listening: stop wasting your time on the flashy stuff and give us what we really need. Planner stickers and washi tape that match our games. It’s not about adding bells and whistles; it’s about providing tools that actually improve the gaming experience.

Until then, I’ll keep dreaming about these ideal accessories while making do with my trusty bullet journal and a few DIY solutions. But hey, a gamemaster can dream, right? Here’s hoping the market catches up with what we really need and starts producing accessories that truly make a difference.


Roleplaying Game You'd Like to See on TV (#RPGaDay2024.10)


An Accessory You Appreciate (#RPGaDay2024.08)