Beat-Based Difficulty

The difficulty of tasks can change as the story progresses. As tension builds and the challenges become more intense, your character will face increasingly difficult tasks.

Early Beats

The story begins with relatively easy tasks, allowing characters to establish themselves and warm up to the challenges ahead.

Investigating a Scene: Examining a quiet, undisturbed crime scene for obvious clues might be a Beginner Task (1), setting the foundation for more complex investigations.

Negotiating with an Official: A simple negotiation with a local official could be a Novice Task (2), laying the groundwork for more intricate interactions later in the story.

Opening a Locked Door: Picking the lock on a basic door with simple tools might be a Beginner Task (1), introducing the character to light challenges.

Reading a Map: Deciphering a straightforward map to find a location might be a Beginner Task (1), helping characters get their bearings early on.

Tracking a Creature: Following clear tracks through soft ground might be a Novice Task (2), giving characters an early taste of their tracking skills.

Mid Beats

As tension rises and the plot thickens, tasks become more challenging, requiring greater skill and effort from the characters.

Deciphering a Code: Breaking a moderately complex code found in an enemy’s communications might be a Competent Task (3), requiring careful analysis and pattern recognition.

Navigating a Maze: Finding the way through a labyrinth while being pursued by enemies could be a Competent Task (3), demanding quick thinking and resourcefulness.

Rescuing a Hostage: Rescuing a captive from a guarded building might be an Expert Task (4), where stealth and combat skills are put to the test.

Repairing a Vehicle on the Move: Fixing a damaged vehicle while it’s moving under fire might be a Competent Task (3), pushing characters to multitask under pressure.

Surviving a Trap: Escaping from a complex trap in an ancient ruin could be an Expert Task (4), testing a character’s agility and problem-solving abilities.

Climactic Beats

The intensity is at its peak, and so is the difficulty. Success or failure here can have dramatic consequences for the story.

Disabling a Security System: Taking down a sophisticated security system in a high-stakes heist might be an Authority Task (5), requiring flawless execution under extreme pressure.

Defusing a Bomb: Defusing a bomb under a strict time limit in a crowded area could be an Authority Task (5), where every second counts and nerves are stretched to the breaking point.

Leading a Final Assault: Leading the final charge against a heavily fortified enemy stronghold might be an Authority Task (5), demanding unmatched strategy and leadership.

Piloting Through a Storm: Steering a ship or aircraft through a deadly storm during a pivotal mission might be an Expert Task (4), requiring steady hands and sharp focus.

Winning a Duel: Engaging in a climactic duel against a powerful adversary where everything is on the line could be an Authority Task (5), testing the character’s ultimate combat prowess.

This beat-based approach to difficulty helps to pace the story, gradually increasing the level of challenge as the narrative unfolds. Characters start with simpler tasks that set the tone, build their skills, and establish their abilities. As the story progresses, the challenges become more complex, pushing characters to their limits and making their eventual triumph—or failure—all the more impactful.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.


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