Difficulty Ratings

Every challenge or task your character faces has a difficulty rating, indicating how hard it is to succeed. Just like trait ratings, difficulty ratings are scaled from 1 to 5, with each level representing a different degree of challenge:

Beginner Task (1)

These tasks are very easy—almost anyone can complete them with minimal effort. They are straightforward and don’t require much skill or experience.

Building a Sandcastle: Creating a simple sandcastle on a calm beach with wet sand, where conditions are perfect and there's no pressure to be precise.

Lighting a Campfire: Lighting a campfire with dry wood and a match on a calm day, where conditions are perfect, and nothing can go wrong.

Tying a Knot: Tying a basic knot, like a simple overhand knot, using a standard rope with no urgency.

Walking Across a Room: Walking across a well-lit, obstacle-free room without any time constraints or distractions.

Writing a Short Note: Writing a brief note with no pressure for neatness or complex language.

Novice Task (2)

These tasks are a bit tricky but doable with some experience. They require a little more know-how and might trip up someone who is completely untrained.

Assembling Furniture: Assembling a piece of flat pack furniture using basic tools and instructions, requiring some patience and attention to detail.

Baking a Simple Cake: Baking a basic cake from a boxed mix, requiring some knowledge of cooking times and ingredient preparation.

Playing a Simple Tune: Playing a simple tune on a musical instrument with minimal practice, requiring basic coordination and timing.

Swimming Across a Pool: Swimming across a standard pool using a basic stroke, requiring some endurance and technique.

Telling a Joke: Delivering a joke in a social setting, where timing and delivery are key to getting a laugh.

Competent Task (3)

These tasks are of standard difficulty, requiring solid skill. They are what most people would consider challenging but achievable with proper preparation and focus.

Climbing a Tree: Climbing a sturdy tree with plenty of branches for handholds, requiring strength and balance.

Navigating a Forest: Finding your way through a dense forest using a map and compass, requiring an understanding of navigation and the terrain.

Persuading a Merchant: Persuading a skeptical merchant to lower their prices by presenting a logical argument and a convincing demeanor.

Repairing a Vehicle: Performing routine maintenance on a vehicle, like changing the oil or replacing a tire, requiring basic mechanical skills.

Running a Race: Competing in a local race, where maintaining pace and endurance is key to finishing strong.

Expert Task (4)

These tasks are challenging and only for those with significant expertise. They push the limits of what most people can do, demanding a high level of skill and concentration.

Disarming a Complex Trap: Disarming a complex trap in a dark, confined space where one wrong move could trigger a deadly outcome.

Performing Surgery: Conducting a delicate surgical procedure where precision is critical, requiring advanced medical knowledge and steady hands.

Persuading a Jury: Convincing a jury in a high-profile court case, where every argument must be carefully constructed and supported by evidence.

Scaling a Cliff: Climbing a steep, rocky cliff without safety equipment, requiring exceptional strength, agility, and focus.

Translating Ancient Texts: Translating a complex ancient text that hasn’t been deciphered in centuries, requiring deep linguistic knowledge and cultural understanding.

Authority Task (5)

These tasks are extremely difficult, reserved for true masters. They are near impossible for anyone but the most skilled, representing the pinnacle of challenge.

Composing a Symphony: Writing an entire symphony that will be performed by a world-renowned orchestra, requiring deep musical expertise and creativity.

Debating a Scholar: Winning a high-stakes debate against a world-renowned scholar, where every word is scrutinized, and every argument must be flawless.

Leading a Battlefield Charge: Leading a charge on the battlefield, coordinating complex maneuvers under heavy fire, requiring unmatched leadership and strategic thinking.

Performing a Tightrope Walk: Walking across a tightrope strung between skyscrapers without a safety net, requiring perfect balance and nerves of steel.

Solving a Scientific Mystery: Developing a theory that solves a longstanding scientific mystery, requiring profound insight, creativity, and extensive knowledge.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.


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