Ghostlight Adventure Design

Another feature of The Suspicion Engine that will debut in Ghostlight are the tools provided for adventure design. Basically, there are reusable beat charts that outline a variety of story types. You can also create your own beat charts with the information provided.

Something that will likely be controversial is the concept that difficulty is driven by what point in the adventure the challenge happens. The idea is that the gamemaster and players should tailor the narrative description of the challenge and scale the problems and adversaries to suit the difficulty of the scene. This allows for rising action, the maintenance of dramatic tension, and so breathing room for players and characters.

Of course, you can and should ignore this if it doesn’t suit your needs or your preferred play style. It’s meant to a a way, not the way. I’ll get into this more in a later post when I talk about the journaling game, but for now, here’s an example of a beat chart:

Example Beat Chart

Enigmatic Beginnings (Difficulty 1): Characters inhabit the shadowy halls of academia, where secrets lurk behind every bookshelf and ancient artifact.

The Cryptic Clue (Difficulty 2): A cryptic message or mysterious artifact surfaces, hinting at dark secrets and hidden agendas that threaten to unravel the cozy facade of academia.

Doubt and Deception Among Scholars (Difficulty 3): Characters question the motives and loyalties of their fellow scholars and colleagues, navigating a world of intellectual intrigue and academic rivalry.

Guiding Light Amidst Shadows (Difficulty 2): A wise professor or mentor offers guidance and support, shedding light on the dark mysteries that plague the halls of academia.

Crossing the Threshold of Intrigue (Difficulty 3): Characters look deeper into the mysteries of academia, uncovering ancient manuscripts, hidden passages, and long-buried secrets.

Traps, Deceptions, and Sinister Revelations (Difficulty 4): Characters encounter traps, decipher cryptic clues, and unearth sinister revelations as they untangle the web of deceit surrounding the cozy academic community.

Journey to the Heart of Darkness (Difficulty 4): Characters confront the dark history and forbidden knowledge that lurks within the hallowed halls of academia, facing supernatural forces and ancient curses that threaten to consume them.

Confronting Inner Demons (Difficulty 5): Characters confront their own inner demons and personal traumas, wrestling with guilt, obsession, and the allure of forbidden knowledge as they get drawn deeper into the mysteries of the past.

Unveiling the Malevolent Truth (Difficulty 4): The true source of the darkness is revealed, exposing the sinister conspiracy that threatens to destroy the cozy academic community and unleash chaos upon the world.

The Quest for Justice and Redemption (Difficulty 3): Characters band together to uncover the truth and confront the forces of evil, facing moral dilemmas and making sacrifices in the name of justice and redemption.

Final Showdown of Betrayal and Tragedy (Difficulty 5): Characters confront the mastermind behind the conspiracy in a climactic showdown, where loyalties are tested, betrayals are exposed, and sacrifices are made in the name of truth and honor.

Return to the Shattered Sanctuary (Difficulty 2): The characters emerge from the darkness, forever changed by their experiences but determined to rebuild the cozy academic community and preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the past.


Ghostlight Creative Choices


Ghostlight Mechanics