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Ghostlight: What Drive Release Dates

I want to express this as gently and politely as possible, understanding that it might create cognitive dissonance for some people. Many believe in a prescriptive approach to roleplaying publishing. They often argue that it's exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to make a living in this field unless you’re allied wih on of the major publishers. Despite having held this as my full-time job since 2016, I still encounter people who assert that I'm doing it wrong. I ought to be adhering to that very formula they themselves have deemed to be unviable for making a living. They suggest I follow a route that doesn't actually pay my bills. Insert eyeroll emoji here.

You may be accustomed to my pulp fiction house, Roger Corman-inspired work ethic and methodology. Therefore, it might come as a surprise that I've been discussing Ghostlight extensively well ahead of its release. Typically, I release projects as soon as they're completed, as I've found ways to balance speed with quality without compromising too much. However, this time is different. I'm trying to produce a print book simultaneously with the digital version, which requires meticulous planning and execution.

Creating a print book involves a completely different layout than that of a digital PDF. Contrary to popular belief, simply printing the same PDF designed for on-screen viewing isn't feasible. It entails waiting for proofs to arrive from the printer, making necessary corrections, ordering additional proofs, and so forth. This process can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months, depending on various factors.

Despite my commitment to releasing projects as soon as possible, I'm hesitant to follow the conventional approach of setting a release date several months in advance. Instead, I aim to select a timeframe that allows ample room for any unforeseen issues to be addressed. Since this is a print-on-demand endeavor, I have the flexibility to finalize release dates once the proofs meet my satisfaction. This allows for a more agile approach, where I can confidently announce a release date as soon as the proofs are approved.

I appreciate your patience and understanding as I navigate this process. My goal is to ensure that Ghostlight meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship, both in its digital and print formats. Your continued support means the world to me, and I'm excited to share this journey with you.