Lightspress Manifesto: 16 July 2024

Let’s talk about apocalypsecore.

I don't consider myself an influencer. I don't want to be one. All I want to do is to write what I want, the way I want to, and make a modest living. Speaking openly about things considered “political” or “controversial”, especially things that aren’t and shouldn’t be, won't sway anyone's opinion. I can vote, choose where I spend my money, and make sure the people in my life know that I see them. Anything beyond that invites awful strangers into my life to waste my time and harm my mental health.

That said, my thoughts and opinions can be discerned from my writing. It's no secret, and the fact that I don't scream it doesn't mean I'm hiding it.

Lately, I've realized that everything I'm interested in now could be lumped together as "apocalypsecore." I made that up just now, but I’m sure if I bothered to search it exists out there in the zeitgeist. The term encapsulates my punk DIY, thrift-it-or-fix-it lifestyle. In a world where money is tight and the economy feels like it's collapsing, finding value in what's already here is essential. Reusing, renewing, and recycling creates continuity between the past, present, and future, which is important when the latter is uncertain.

Dark academia fits into this "apocalypsecore" framework. Institutions of learning that have survived for hundreds of years embody a resilience that I admire. They stand tall amidst the chaos of the world outside, representing continuity and tradition. We feel that even if people are terrible, some institutions will carry on.

Cottagecore, with its emphasis on agrarian simplicity, assures continuity through a return to basics. Growing your own food and living closer to the land offer a sense of security and self-reliance. Even if you think that life would realistically be hard labor and not the fairy-tale people want it to be, it’s existence. It’s a future. 

Even magical realism has its place in "apocalypsecore." It shows that there are things beyond our world that are ageless and unaffected by chaos. This blend of magic and reality provides hope and wonder. The universe truly does not care what we get up to and existence will continue beyond this moment of chaos. 

(In the past I’d turn to Star Trek, but in the current moment I feel that technology isn’t the solution, it’s a huge part of the problem. No offense to the Trek fans. Fallout seems to match my emotional truth better; the future’s gonna suck, because the present is screwing it up, but we’re going to survive.)

"Apocalypsecore" isn't actually about doom and gloom; it’s a way to survive, physically and emotionally. It's about finding strength in what endures. That’s why so many recent and future releases from Lightspress run along these themes. As more creators and consumers embrace this, I think we'll continue to see a rise in media reflecting these vibes, offering not just an escape but a roadmap for resilience. Even when the world feels like it's falling apart, enduring values and practices can sustain us.

I hope you’re doing well today.

New Releases

Can I just say that there’s a lot in the shop, from new editions of Foragers Guild class sourcebooks to the ongoing ux Adversara genre-themed series? I’m still playing catch-up from vacation, scrambling to deal with the summer slump, and processing all of the above.

This Week’s Discount Code

This week’s code is SHELLEYDUVALL

It will save you 20% off your entire purchase for one week after the date of this newsletter.

Coming Soon

I want to finish The Suspicion Engine and all of the works on hold waiting for me to stop being precious with the minutiae of the system. Ghostlight, Seven Valleys, The Language of Liberation, The Secret Masters, the actual Foragers Guild game… and the Raven & River journaling games, which at this point is just a vanity project, things I write to amuse myself and keep my sanity knowing that they’re not going to sell particularly well.

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Lightspress promotes a simple approach to roleplaying, focusing on the utility and value of the content rather than flashy production. We strategically employ visual elements to amplify the message conveyed by the text, allowing us to create powerful and affordable toolkits. Remember, the true essence of the roleplaying experience lies not within the pages of a book, but in the creativity and collaboration fostered around your tabletop.


Addressing Sensitive Topics in Roleplaying


Incorporating Real-World History and Culture