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Superb Screen (#RPGaDay2024.26)

Ah, the humble screen—a piece of gear often overlooked in the roleplaying circle, yet vital to many a gamemaster’s sanity. Today’s prompt for #RPGaDay2024 is “Superb Screen,” so let’s dive into the magic this simple barrier brings to our tables. No, we’re not talking about your ultra-high-definition gaming monitor or that cinema-sized display you've been eyeing for your next movie night. We’re talking about the gamemaster screen, a tool that’s as much about managing chaos as it is about keeping secrets.

At first glance, it might seem like just a tri-fold piece of cardboard, but in the hands of a skilled gamemaster, it becomes something far more powerful—a shield, a stage, and a silent partner in crime. The screen is the unsung hero, quietly doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes, so your players can stay immersed in their fantasy world without peeking behind the curtain.

Keeping Secrets and Building Suspense

First things first, the gamemaster screen is the ultimate privacy barrier. You’ve got your notes, your dice, and that supporting character’s hit points hidden behind its sturdy folds. There’s something deeply satisfying about rolling dice behind that screen, knowing your players are on the edge of their seats, unsure whether your expression means they’ve just evaded a dragon’s fiery breath or walked straight into an ambush. It’s a power move, really. You’re the keeper of the narrative, and the screen is your shield against prying eyes.

And let’s be honest, we all know that one player who can’t resist sneaking a glance at your notes if they’re left out in the open. The screen keeps that temptation at bay, ensuring your carefully crafted twists and turns remain a surprise until the perfect moment. Because nothing kills the tension faster than a player who’s seen the big bad villain’s stats before the battle even begins.

Screen as a Command Center

While the screen is great for hiding your secrets, it’s also a collection of quick-reference information. Most screens come packed with charts, tables, and all those pesky rules you’re likely to forget in the heat of the moment. Need to know how long it takes for someone to drown? There’s a chart for that. Forgot the difficulty for climbing a slippery wall? Your screen has you covered.

It’s like having a personal assistant who whispers key details in your ear just when you need them. The best part? It’s all laid out in front of you, so you can keep the game moving smoothly without flipping through books or scrolling through PDFs. Your players will think you’ve memorized the entire rulebook, and you’ll never have to admit that, no, you don’t actually know the exact mechanics for underwater combat off the top of your head.

The Budget-Friendly Favorite

Now, while all those fancy screens with their intricate artwork are out there, my favorite and most versatile screen is a bit more humble. It’s made of the heavy cardboard backing from legal pads, hinged together with sturdy brown packing tape, with binder clips along the top to hold notes. Works for every game. Costs next to nothing. Decorate as you see fit.

This DIY screen might not have the bells and whistles of the store-bought options, but it’s got character and flexibility in spades. It’s lightweight, portable, and you can customize it however you like—whether that’s adding your own artwork, taping on quick-reference charts, or just keeping it plain and functional. Plus, there’s something deeply satisfying about creating your own gear that suits your needs perfectly.

The Dark Side of the Screen

Of course, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows (or fireballs and eldritch blasts, depending on your campaign). The screen can sometimes be a crutch, tempting gamemasters to hide behind it instead of engaging with their players. It’s easy to get lost in your notes, forgetting that there’s a group of people on the other side, waiting for you to guide them through the adventure.

And let’s not even start on the screen’s reputation for “gamemaster fudging.” You know what I’m talking about—those moments when the dice don’t roll the way you wanted, and you decide to “adjust” the outcome in favor of the story. Hey, we’ve all been there. The screen gives you the freedom to tweak things behind the scenes, but it’s a double-edged sword. Too much meddling can rob the game of its unpredictability, making victories feel hollow and defeats feel unfair.


So, is the gamemaster screen truly superb? Absolutely—but only if you wield it wisely. It’s a tool that can enhance your game, providing both practical benefits and a bit of theatrical flair. Whether you’re using it to hide your secrets, keep the game moving, or just keep your notes organized, the screen is an indispensable part of the gamemaster’s arsenal.

Just remember, it’s not the screen that makes the game superb—it’s how you use it. So, the next time you sit down to run a session, give a nod to that piece of cardboard in front of you. It’s doing a lot more work than you think.