The Light of Day Lightspress The Light of Day Lightspress

Understanding Fantasy Roleplaying Games Through the Lens of the Humanities

Tabletop roleplaying games and storygames offer a unique convergence of creativity, storytelling, and human experience, positioning them within the broader scope of the Humanities. While roleplaying spans many genres, this article focuses on traditional fantasy, the genre most closely associated with roleplaying. Exploring fantasy roleplaying games through the lens of disciplines such as literature, history, psychology, and sociology reveals their cultural and educational value.

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The Light of Day Lightspress The Light of Day Lightspress

5 Essential Books on Dickens

If you're looking to incorporate the intricate world of Charles Dickens into your tabletop roleplaying games, understanding his works and the era he depicted is key. Whether you're crafting a full-blown Dickensian RPG or developing Victorian-themed roleplaying games, these books will provide you with the insights and inspiration needed to create engaging experiences. Here are five books I recommend for diving into the world of Charles Dickens and incorporating its elements into your tabletop roleplaying games:

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