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Theory and Practice

Let’s be real—hypotheticals are pointless if they don’t translate into actual roleplaying. What really matters is what happens at the table, not what looks good on paper. Our entire focus is on creating content that not only works in real-world play but also enhances your experience and makes your game sessions something you’ll remember for years. We’re not interested in flashy ideas that never make it past the discussion stage; we’re all about practical, usable content that truly improves your game.

Usable Rules

We’re not “rules-lite,” whatever that means, but we absolutely prioritize clarity and adaptability in everything we design. Our rules are streamlined to be as intuitive as possible, striking a balance between simplicity and depth. Whether you’re using our pre-made characters or crafting your own from scratch, our system is there to support your creativity, not get in its way. We offer a framework that’s strong enough to provide structure yet flexible enough to meet your needs, letting you shape the game to fit your group’s style perfectly.

Our goal is to give you tools that are ready to use right out of the box but also versatile enough to be customized. We understand that every group is different, and we’ve designed our rules to be adaptable, whether you’re running a high-fantasy epic or a gritty, modern-day thriller. You can take what we’ve provided, make it your own, and know that it will work seamlessly at your table. We’re committed to ensuring that our rules enhance your storytelling rather than bogging it down with unnecessary complexity.

House Rule Friendly

We’re fully aware that no system is perfect or entirely original, including ours. Our approach is more about practicality—taking the best ideas that have come before and blending them into something utilitarian and effective. That said, we know that roleplayers love to tinker, and we’ve designed our system with that in mind. We expect and encourage you to pull things apart, add your own hacks, borrow from other systems, and generally make the game your own. This kind of creative customization is central to roleplaying, and it’s something we fully support.

The real magic of roleplaying happens around the table, where players bring their creativity to life. The game isn’t confined to what’s written in a book—it’s the dynamic collaboration that happens when you and your friends come together to tell a story. We’ve built our system to be as house rule-friendly as possible because we know that no two groups play the same way. You’re the final arbiter of what works best for your group, and we’re here to provide a solid foundation that you can build on, tweak, and adapt as you see fit.

We’re No Longer System-Agnostic

We’ve made a conscious decision to shift our focus, zeroing in on content that’s specifically designed for The Simple Approach. This means that all our books are now fully compatible with each other, regardless of the setting or genre. You no longer have to worry about whether something will fit into your game because if it’s from us, it’s designed to work together seamlessly. We’re committed to creating a cohesive system where every piece of content supports and enhances the others, giving you a smooth, integrated experience.

This shift allows us to focus our energy on refining and perfecting The Simple Approach, ensuring that every piece of content we produce aligns with our philosophy and enhances the overall system. In dedicating ourselves to one core system, we can offer a more consistent and polished experience, where every new book or supplement feels like a natural extension of what you already know and love. We’re no longer trying to be everything to everyone—instead, we’re doubling down on what we do best, creating content that’s tailor-made for The Simple Approach and for the players who resonate with our vision.

We’re Even More System-Agnostic

But don’t get us wrong—just because we’re focused on The Simple Approach doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned the idea of flexibility. In fact, The Lightspress Handbook is packed with conversion notes for over a dozen popular systems, making it easier than ever to adapt our content to whatever game you’re playing. You can take what we’ve created and run it in your system of choice, whether that’s a classic game you’ve been playing for years or a new system you’re eager to try. We’ve made sure that our content remains adaptable, allowing you to use it in almost any context.

This dual focus means that while we’re creating content specifically for The Simple Approach, we’re also providing the tools you need to integrate our ideas into other systems. We’re not just system-agnostic—we’re more adaptable than ever, giving you the freedom to choose what works best for you. Whether you stick with The Simple Approach or prefer to blend our content with your favorite system, you’ll find that our material is versatile, user-friendly, and designed to enhance any game. This approach allows us to reach a broader audience while still staying true to our core philosophy, giving you the freedom to play your way without sacrificing quality or cohesion.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.