Why We Added a Donate Page

When it comes to running a small business, there's a lot to juggle, especially in the roleplaying space. Yes, we're here to create and sell our books, and yes, that’s how we keep the lights on. But today, I want to talk about something a little different. We've added a donate page to our website, and no, it’s not because we expect something for nothing. Quite the opposite.

Here's the thing: we know that sometimes our books end up in places they shouldn’t. It’s a reality of the digital age, and while it’s frustrating, it’s also an unfortunate part of being in this business. But instead of getting bogged down in that negativity, we've decided to take a literal page from our pals over at RiffTrax (okay, we don’t actually know them, but they’ve got a great model) and give folks a way to support us directly if they’ve come across our work outside the usual channels.

Why? Because at the end of the day, we want to keep making the best, most useful roleplaying material we can. We’re in an odd niche within an already overcrowded niche, and that’s where we love to be. But it’s also a place that requires a lot of passion and, frankly, a lot of resources to keep going.

So, if you’ve discovered our stuff in some forum or on a less-than-reputable website, and you like what we do, this is your chance to support us. Every little bit helps us continue creating the unique and valuable content that you’ve come to expect from Lightspress.

This isn’t about begging or demanding anything. It’s about keeping the wheels turning so we can keep exploring, creating, and sharing with the roleplaying community. If you’re here, reading this, we already consider you part of that community. Welcome aboard, and thank you for being here.

I hope you’re doing well today.


Roleplaying Game with Well-Supported Campaigns (#RPGaDay2024.12)


Roleplaying Game with Well-Supported One-Shots (#RPGaDay2024.11)