Creative Collaboration

We’re all about story and character, not tactics or rules-lawyering. In our games, players are encouraged to work together, share ideas, and actively shape the story as a group. The gamemaster isn’t a dictator, intent on controlling every element of the game, nor a character-killer lurking behind the screen to catch you off guard. Instead, the gamemaster acts as a facilitator, guiding the narrative while giving players the freedom to explore and contribute. We believe in a collaborative approach that makes everyone at the table feel like they’re part of something special and meaningful, creating a story that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

Collaboration isn’t just a buzzword for us; it’s the heart of what we do. We want every player to feel invested, not just in their own character but in the entire game. When everyone is working together, bouncing ideas off each other, and contributing to the unfolding story, the game becomes more than just a series of sessions—it transforms into a shared experience, a story that belongs to everyone involved. Collaborative storytelling is what makes roleplaying unique, and it’s what we strive to foster in every game.

Redefining Balance

Balance in our games isn’t about strict rules or rigid systems designed to keep every character on the same level. Instead, it’s about making sure that each character and player has something meaningful to do, something that fits their concept, abilities, and narrative arc. We’re not interested in forcing everyone into the same mold or expecting each player to follow a cookie-cutter path. Our goal is to let each player shine in their own unique way, giving them the freedom to explore their character’s strengths and quirks fully.

In our approach, balance means ensuring that every player feels like they’re contributing something vital to the story. This could be through their character’s skills, their role in the group, or the personal story arcs they’re pursuing. We recognize that each character brings something different to the table, and that’s something to celebrate, not smooth out. Whether you’re playing a battle-hardened warrior, a cunning rogue, or a wise scholar, our system is designed to make sure you have opportunities to be a key player in the unfolding story. This kind of balance isn’t about equalizing power levels—it’s about making sure everyone’s contributions are valued and impactful.

Player Agency

Player agency isn’t just a buzzword for us; it’s a fundamental part of our design philosophy. We believe that players should have the freedom to create, make meaningful choices, and shape the direction of the story. It’s your game, after all, and we want you to feel like you own it. Our role as designers is to give you the tools and the freedom to make the game your own, to tell the stories you want to tell, and to take the game in the direction that feels right for your group.

Agency in our games isn’t limited to major story decisions; it permeates every element of roleplaying. From character creation to the choices you make in the heat of the moment, we want every decision to matter. We believe that when players have real control over their characters and their actions, the game becomes more engaging, more personal, and more meaningful. This isn’t just about letting players decide the outcome of the story—it’s about giving them the freedom to shape the journey itself, to explore the paths that interest them, and to create a narrative that feels uniquely theirs.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Creating a welcoming and diverse environment isn’t just a nice idea—it’s essential. We’re committed to making sure our games reflect the diversity of the real world, where everyone can feel represented and included. This isn’t about checking a box; it’s a core part of how we design our games. We believe that everyone should be able to see themselves in the stories we tell, whether that’s through the characters they play, the settings they explore, or the themes we address.

Inclusivity in our games goes beyond featuring diverse characters or settings. It’s about creating an environment where all players feel safe and welcome, where different perspectives are not just tolerated but celebrated. We actively strive to design our games in a way that invites everyone to participate, regardless of their background, identity, or experience level. This means thinking critically about the content we produce, the messages it sends, and the ways it can be inclusive of all players. In prioritizing inclusivity, we’re making roleplaying a space where everyone can find joy, connection, and creative expression.

Safety and Consent

Safety and consent are the foundation of a positive roleplaying experience. We understand that roleplaying can sometimes involve intense emotions and challenging themes, and it’s essential that every player feels respected, comfortable, and in control of their participation. We’ve established clear guidelines to ensure that everyone at the table knows they have the right to set boundaries and that those boundaries will be respected by all participants.

Our focus on safety and consent isn’t just about being polite—it’s about creating an environment where creativity can flourish. When players feel safe, they’re more likely to take creative risks, to explore complex characters, and to engage deeply with the story. We encourage open communication before, during, and after sessions to make sure everyone is on the same page, and to address any concerns that might arise. In making safety and consent central to our games, we’re ensuring that roleplaying remains a positive, enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Character Death

Character death can be a powerful tool in storytelling, but it shouldn’t happen randomly or without thought. We believe that character death should occur only with player consent, out of respect for the time, effort, and emotional investment that goes into creating and developing a character. There are far more interesting and narratively satisfying ways to challenge a character than simply killing them off because of a bad roll or a poor decision made in the heat of the moment.

In our games, character death is treated as a significant event, one that should have meaning and impact within the story. It’s not something to be taken lightly or used as a punishment. Instead, we see it as one possible outcome among many, and one that should be approached with care. We prioritize storytelling and character growth, offering alternatives that add depth and complexity to the narrative without resorting to unnecessary loss. In focusing on the story and the characters within it, we aim to create moments that are emotionally resonant and memorable, without the need for random or arbitrary death.

The Lightspress Handbook isn’t just another rulebook. This is a reimagining of what roleplaying can be, challenging the norms and redefining how we think about storytelling in games. Forget the flashy mechanics designed to impress; this book strips things down to what truly matters: playing your characters and crafting their stories. Whether you’re exploring the intricate landscapes of traditional fantasy, venturing into the unknown in space opera, uncovering secrets in a gritty crime drama, or getting lost in the cozy charm of cottagecore fantasy, The Lightspress Handbook offers a universal, adaptable approach that fits almost any genre. It’s especially designed for those who are eager to dive into genres left in the shadows, like dark academia and magical realism.


The Foragers Guild: In Final Editing


Lightspress: Reclaiming the Manifesto