Lightspress: Reclaiming the Manifesto

The Manifesto: 3 August 2024

The next two releases from Lightspress will be the final, definitive editions of the Foragers Guild and DoubleZero core books. Foragers Guild Gold concludes the legacy of Hippogryph and Fantasy Manifesto, while DoubleZero Gold wraps up the journey of that property across all its editions. These editions culminate The Simple Approach, the unified system I’ve always envisioned. Now, I’m finally in a place where I can do things the way I’ve always wanted, without compromising my creative vision just to keep the lights on or pay the rent. These foundational games are the start of a new era for Lightspress, where I can focus on creating the best possible material without the need to swerve and make rushed releases.

I know some folks will complain about yet another edition. Respectfully, too bad. Others will ask for discounts because they purchased previous versions. To them, I say: I've bought every edition of the D&D Basic box since Holmes, and the Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master's Guide since the first edition. When Wizbro cuts me a deal on 6E, I'll get back to you. I don’t cater to the whims of random internet voices who don’t like what I do or how I do it; when I stop following my own creative instincts and business acumen, things go off the rails. Last week, someone told me I talk too much about how great I am because I speak confidently about my ability to run a small business and make a modest living in a tough industry. What a monster I am. If that’s a problem for you, it’s your problem, not mine.

I’ve done this the punk rock way, the honest, hard-working way, from Day One. I’ve steered clear of the nonsense in the so-called community, but it’s time to start pushing back and calling it out. While others have been busy whining on social media and forums, I’ve been delivering—consistently. We’re not the same; I don’t have the luxury of wasting time on the internet, I have things to create and a business to run. As Lightspress continues to grow and evolve, the job only gets harder. I’m still a friendly guy, a nice guy if you know me, but I don’t have time for unenlightened critics or bad-faith trolls looking to test my boundaries because it makes them feel like they have skin in the game or some sort of power over people. It’s time to move forward with clarity and purpose. Buckle up. 

I hope you’re doing well today.

New Releases

Here’s what’s new in the Lightspress shop this week!

Dice & Discontent: RPGaDay2024

This issue is a little different. It’s a compilation of blog posts I wrote for #RPGaDay2024, which means I had to play it a bit safer than usual. These posts were published on the Lightspress website, so the swearing is toned down, the snark is more subtle, and the overall vibe is a bit more “professional.” But trust me, if you read between the lines, you’ll still catch glimpses of the real me—the one who’s fed up with the gatekeeping, the outdated rules, and the nonsense that still gets a pass in certain corners of the hobby. Read More

The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Themes

Unlock the power of literary themes in your roleplaying games with The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Themes. This book shows you how to bring depth and meaning to your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures by using the same thematic concepts that make stories in other media so compelling. Whether you’re a fan of creative storytelling, love diving into character-driven narratives, or enjoy improvisation, this book offers a fresh yet familiar approach to enhance your roleplaying experience. Dive into the heart of your stories and discover how themes can elevate your games to a whole new level. Read More

Game or Gamer You Miss (#RPGaDay2024.31)

Today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt is “Game or gamer you miss,” and it got me thinking about one of those roleplaying gems that never quite got the chance to shine as brightly as it could have: Victory Games’ James Bond 007 roleplaying game. Released in the early '80s, this game was a bit of an anomaly in the roleplaying world, blending the high-stakes espionage and glamorous intrigue of the Bond films with a system that was both innovative and approachable. But like many good things, it came to an end too soon, and I can’t help but wonder what could have been Read More

The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Outcomes

The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Outcomes is your go-to resource for crafting engaging and immersive outcomes in any roleplaying session. Whether your characters are achieving spectacular successes or facing dramatic failures, this book provides a wealth of examples to bring every action and ability to life. While designed with The Simple Approach in mind, it seamlessly integrates with any roleplaying system, offering easy-to-use conversion notes. Perfect for gamemasters and players alike, this book ensures your storytelling is dynamic and adaptable to any scenario. Read More

The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Traits

Unlock the power of traits beyond just character creation. The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Traits expands your toolkit, offering ways to integrate traits into worldbuilding, faction dynamics, and adventure design across any roleplaying game. Immerse yourself in stories where every decision matters, with conflicts defined by the traits you invent. This book doesn’t just add depth; it transforms your storytelling, making every moment in your sessions more vibrant and meaningful. Whether you're crafting intricate plots, facing epic challenges, or forging unforgettable alliances, this book provides the tools to make your roleplaying adventures truly memorable. Perfect for those seeking fresh ideas while staying true to the core of what makes roleplaying great. Ready to dive in? Read More

The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Journaling

The Simple Approach to Roleplaying: Journaling is your ticket to ditching the same old, tired templates and stepping into a roleplaying experience that’s actually going to meet your needs. Part of The Simple Approach to Roleplaying series, this book digs into every corner of roleplaying, serving up solid advice for players and gamemasters alike. Forget those boring, one-size-fits-none character sheets and cookie-cutter worldbuilding forms. Journaling takes the best of bullet journaling, Cornell Notes, and the spirit of journaling games, turning them into a unique, custom tool for your roleplaying adventures. Whether you’re knee-deep in intrigue, battling epic foes, or forging legendary alliances, Journaling brings something fresh to the table. Any genre, any setting, any game (not our own), journaling can be easily adapted to do whatever you needed it to do. Perfect for fans of reclaiming their agency through creative solutions, it’s the snappy upgrade your favorite hobby needs. Ready to level up your roleplaying game? Journaling is where the fun begins! Read More


In case you missed them, new and notable posts on the blog!

Our Creative Agenda

At Lightspress, we’re not just filling a niche—we’re reshaping what roleplaying can be, challenging conventions, and setting a new standard for creativity in the industry. We cater to those who are hungry for something different, something that defies the traditional and surpasses the expected. Our creative agenda is built on a foundation of variety, inspiration, and depth, offering a range of experiences that engage the mind and stir the soul. Read More

The Journey to Simple

Getting here was a journey in every sense of the word. It wasn’t a straight path, and it certainly wasn’t quick. We spent years refining our approach, figuring out exactly what we wanted to say and, more importantly, how we needed to say it. We tested ideas, threw concepts at the wall to see what stuck, and learned a lot about what works—and what really doesn’t. There were false starts, dead ends, and moments where we had to step back and rethink everything. But each twist and turn in the process brought us closer to a system that genuinely serves the needs of today’s roleplayers. Read More

#RPGaDay2024 Postmortem

So, it’s over. #RPGaDay2024 has wrapped up, and I’m sitting here reflecting on the past month. I wrote some things that I think were pretty good. More than just getting words on a page, these posts helped solidify some ideas that had been swirling around in my head for a while. And, hopefully, I managed to communicate some of the Lightspress philosophy to readers along the way. Read More

2 Stars, instead of 1, because grammar and spelling are on point.


Not everything is for everyone, and it shouldn’t be. I create things for the people that get it. If you don’t, you don’t. There are other things for you, go enjoy them. Read More

Professionalism in the Elf Game Industry

I had someone come for my eyes over the post I made yesterday, saying it was unprofessional of me to comment about a review. At no point did I name the reviewer or make fun of them; I poked fun at the review, not the person. I intentionally avoided linking to it, because I do not want anyone getting hassled over something I think is pretty trivial.

But if you want to open up a can of worms about professionalism, okay, let’s go. Read More

Person You'd Like to Game With (#RPGaDay2024.30)

Today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt is “Person you'd like to game with,” and I can’t help but imagine one of the most famous gatherings of literary minds in history: the summer of 1816 at Villa Diodati. Picture this: Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (soon to be Mary Shelley), and Dr. John Polidori, all gathered around a table—not to share ghost stories, but to dive into a roleplaying game. If you think their real-life discussions were intense, just imagine the kind of campaign these creative powerhouses could conjure up. Read More

Awesome App (#RPGaDay2024.29)

When today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt is “Awesome app,” you might be expecting me to rave about some shiny new app that promises to revolutionize your roleplaying sessions. Spoiler alert: that’s not going to happen. If you’ve been following along, you already know where I stand on this. Roleplaying is about the shared experience around the table, not about which app can juggle the most rules or track the most stats. So let’s get into why, despite the allure of digital tools, I still stand by good old-fashioned paper. Read More

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The Manifesto is our official weekly newsletter, delivering information on new and upcoming releases, sales and events, and sources of creative inspiration directly to your email inbox. It's your essential guide to all things Lightspress, and the best part? It's completely free. Stay connected and subscribe to The Manifesto now!

Lightspress promotes a simple approach to roleplaying, focusing on the utility and value of the content rather than flashy production. We strategically employ visual elements to amplify the message conveyed by the text, allowing us to create powerful and affordable toolkits. Remember, the true essence of the roleplaying experience lies not within the pages of a book, but in the creativity and collaboration fostered around your tabletop.


Creative Collaboration


Theory and Practice