Fantasy Sourcebooks

You’ve heard the stories before: grand kingdoms, daring quests, dragons, and heroes. But The Simple Approach to fantasy roleplaying doesn’t just give you another tale of sword and sorcery, it hands you the quill. Here, you’re not bound by a prophecy or a fate set in stone; this is a world where the characters define the legend, not the other way around.

These system-agnostic-friendly fantasy sourcebooks aren’t interested in keeping score with hit points or tallying up treasure. They’re designed for storytellers who want a world where magic is as unpredictable as human emotion and the sharpest weapon is a well-chosen word. Forget the endless monster slaying, this is a realm where political intrigue, emotional arcs, and personal quests are the real magic.

Whether you’re crafting alliances in a court full of secrets or exploring ancient ruins where history still echoes, these sourcebooks give you the tools to create a fantasy that goes beyond the expected. With The Simple Approach, you won’t just follow the story, you’ll live it.