The Manifesto Lightspress The Manifesto Lightspress

Roleplayers Like You (Don’t Need Another Tote Bag)

Once again, someone has asked me why I don't do a Kickstarter. It’s like clockwork. People seem to think Kickstarter is the magical answer to all business problems. "You could afford art," they say. Yes, because that’s clearly the only reason I publish books without pictures. Let’s gloss over the entire Lightspress ideology.

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The Manifesto Lightspress The Manifesto Lightspress

Lightspress: Reclaiming the Manifesto

I’ve done this the punk rock way, the honest, hard-working way, from Day One. I’ve steered clear of the nonsense in the so-called community, but it’s time to start pushing back and calling it out. While others have been busy whining on social media and forums, I’ve been delivering—consistently. We’re not the same; I don’t have the luxury of wasting time on the internet, I have things to create and a business to run. As Lightspress continues to grow and evolve, the job only gets harder. I’m still a friendly guy, a nice guy if you know me, but I don’t have time for unenlightened critics or bad-faith trolls looking to test my boundaries because it makes them feel like they have skin in the game or some sort of power over people. It’s time to move forward with clarity and purpose. Buckle up. 

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The Manifesto Lightspress The Manifesto Lightspress

The Manifesto: 20 August 2024

If you’ve been following Lightspress for a while, you’ve probably noticed some shifts in our branding and overall approach. From the revised logo to the emphasis on The Simple Approach, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes. A few folks have reached out, curious about what all these changes mean, why I’m revising existing books, and what this means for Lightspress moving forward. I wanted to take a moment to address these questions and give you a peek at what’s coming next.

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