Using Themes


Unlock the power of literary themes in your roleplaying games with Using Themes. This book shows you how to bring depth and meaning to your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures by using the same thematic concepts that make stories in other media so compelling. Whether you’re a fan of creative storytelling, love diving into character-driven narratives, or enjoy improvisation, this book offers a fresh yet familiar approach to enhance your roleplaying experience. Dive into the heart of your stories and discover how themes can elevate your games to a whole new level.

Navigating This Book

This sourcebook is totally optional. You don’t need it to play any of our games, but it’s here to spice things up if you want. It’s also system-neutral, so feel free to throw its elements into any other roleplaying system. Need some help converting things? Check the notes at the end of the book. And if you want a deeper dive, grab the Lightspress Handbook which is pay-what-you-want (which for most people means free) wherever you got this.

This Book Includes

Below, you'll find a breakdown of the themes covered, each providing a unique lens through which to explore your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures. These themes offer opportunities to enhance your storytelling and create memorable roleplaying experiences.

  • Theme: Discover the fundamental concepts of theme and how to apply them in your roleplaying games. Learn how themes can serve as the backbone of your narrative, driving character motivations, shaping worldbuilding, and influencing the course of your adventures.

  • Betrayal: The act of breaking trust, whether by loved ones, allies, or society, leads to deeper explorations of themes like Revenge and Justice.

  • Circle of Life: The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, seen in nature-focused settings, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things.

  • Coming of Age: The transition from youth to adulthood focuses on character development, self-discovery, and the challenges of growing up.

  • Environment: The relationship between characters and their surroundings, including natural, urban, or other built environments, highlights the impact of human activity.

  • Faith vs Doubt: The internal and external conflict between belief and skepticism, tied to religious or philosophical undertones, drives narratives of personal struggle and conviction.

  • Family: The dynamics and relationships within a family drive deep emotional and plot points, intersecting with themes like Sacrificial Love and Fate vs Free Will.

  • Fate vs Free Will: The struggle between predestined events and personal choice questions whether characters are bound by destiny or can shape their paths.

  • Good vs Evil: The classic conflict between morally opposite forces explores the gray areas in between and the consequences of such battles.

  • Hope vs Despair: The emotional battle between optimism and hopelessness is central to darker narratives where characters must find the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence leading to downfall is explored through characters who overreach in their ambitions.

  • Identity: The exploration of self, including personal discovery, questions of who one is, and how characters are perceived by others, drives narratives of self-awareness and transformation.

  • Isolation: The physical or emotional state of being cut off from others, whether through loneliness or being removed from society, leads to introspection and survival challenges.

  • Justice: The pursuit of fairness, framed as Justice vs Injustice, explores the balance between law, morality, and vengeance.

  • Legacy: The desire to leave a lasting impact or be remembered drives characters to consider how their actions will affect the future and how they’ll be remembered.

  • Loneliness: The feeling of being alone or isolated, whether emotionally or physically, leads to deep personal exploration and growth.

  • People vs Nature: The struggle between humans and the natural world highlights conflicts with environmental forces and the impact of civilization on nature.

  • People vs Self: The internal conflict where characters battle their own desires, fears, or morality leads to significant character development.

  • People vs Society: The conflict between individuals and the larger societal structures explores themes of rebellion, conformity, and societal change.

  • Power and Corruption: The struggle for control and the corrupting influence of power leads to moral dilemmas and the exploration of human nature.

  • Pursuit of Love: The quest for love in all its forms, whether romantic, platonic, or familial, drives characters' motivations and decisions.

  • Redemption: The journey of seeking forgiveness or making amends for past wrongs involves personal sacrifice and moral reckoning.

  • Revenge: The act of seeking retribution for a wrong leads to morally complex narratives and intersects with themes like Justice and Betrayal.

  • Sacrificial Love: The willingness to sacrifice oneself or something precious for the sake of love intersects with themes of Fate vs Free Will and Good vs Evil.

  • Survival: The struggle to stay alive, whether against natural forces, societal collapse, or personal challenges, drives high-stakes narratives.

  • War: The conflict between opposing groups is used as a backdrop for exploring other themes like Honor, Sacrificial Love, and Justice.

  • Reference: The glossary of terms used by The Simple Approach system, and conversion notes from bringing traits into the roleplaying game of your choice.

The Simple Approach

To understand this book, you need to know the context in which it was written and the philosophy that runs through it. At its core, The Simple Approach emphasizes the elements that truly matter in roleplaying: narrative depth, character complexity, and player agency. While plenty of systems are still obsessed with combat, loot, and grinding, we know roleplaying can be so much more. This system is all about immersive storytelling, meaningful choices, and characters you actually care about. Whether you're uncovering espionage secrets, solving a gripping mystery, or diving into the complexities of romance, The Simple Approach offers a fresh take on traditional genres like fantasy, science fiction, and horror, along with modern and underserved ones like crime, dark academia, and espionage.

Narrative-Based Mechanics

At the heart of The Simple Approach are narrative-based mechanics that are easy to learn and designed to grow with you as you play. They let you tweak what’s here and even add things we haven’t thought of yet. The journaling system replaces those one-size-fits-none character sheets, giving gamemasters a flexible tool for organizing worldbuilding, adventure design, and session notes. Every character, setting, and adventure becomes a unique creation shaped by your choices.

Seamless Integration and Flexibility

The Simple Approach isn’t just a standalone system. You can blend it seamlessly with other Lightspress publications to create one-of-a-kind experiences or bring elements from other systems into your Lightspress game. If you want to use our material with your favorite system or setting, go for it. The free conversion notes in the Lightspress Handbook give you the flexibility to play how you want.

Our Philosophy

We believe the true essence of roleplaying happens around the table, where creativity and collaboration come alive. It’s not about a book, a brand, or a company. It’s about the people playing together, creating something special. Our focus on cooperation, interaction, and investigation ensures that every session is more than just a game; it’s a journey filled with compelling adventures and meaningful connections. We stand by our belief that the heart of roleplaying is found in shared experiences and stories crafted by the players. This philosophy drives everything in The Simple Approach and underpins our commitment to delivering content that champions the true spirit of roleplaying, free from superficial constraints.

Commitment to Creative Freedom

This philosophy also guides our belief that creators should own their work and not be beholden to licensing terms that only benefit fickle corporations. We draw inspiration from historical, mythological, and literary sources, tapping into our shared heritage to fuel creative exploration. We maintain full copyright ownership, ensuring that our work stays independent and true to our vision. Using style guides to keep a cohesive voice and narrative structure, we deliver exceptional content free from external influences, preserving the integrity and creative standards of our work.

Accessible and Affordable Roleplaying

We’re committed to keeping our games affordable so that more people can enjoy them. Our focus isn’t on producing overstuffed, expensive books filled with art to collect dust on a shelf. We’re here to create material meant to be played, not displayed. You won’t find us chasing awards or turning our games into glorified coffee-table books. Our goal is to facilitate roleplaying, pure and simple, keeping the price points low so you can focus on the game, not your wallet.

Stay Connected and Join Us

If you’re tired of the same old grind and ready to try something that actually respects your input, then The Simple Approach is calling your name. We’re not just offering a game. We’re inviting you to join a movement, a way of playing that values your time, creativity, and agency.

For more on The Simple Approach and our unorthodox take on roleplaying, visit Subscribe to our newsletter, The Manifesto, for updates on new releases, roleplaying advice, and a healthy dose of our opinions. If you’re ready to embrace something different, download the free Lightspress Handbook—your guide to what we’re all about.

240 pages. PDF and epub files included.

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Unlock the power of literary themes in your roleplaying games with Using Themes. This book shows you how to bring depth and meaning to your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures by using the same thematic concepts that make stories in other media so compelling. Whether you’re a fan of creative storytelling, love diving into character-driven narratives, or enjoy improvisation, this book offers a fresh yet familiar approach to enhance your roleplaying experience. Dive into the heart of your stories and discover how themes can elevate your games to a whole new level.

Navigating This Book

This sourcebook is totally optional. You don’t need it to play any of our games, but it’s here to spice things up if you want. It’s also system-neutral, so feel free to throw its elements into any other roleplaying system. Need some help converting things? Check the notes at the end of the book. And if you want a deeper dive, grab the Lightspress Handbook which is pay-what-you-want (which for most people means free) wherever you got this.

This Book Includes

Below, you'll find a breakdown of the themes covered, each providing a unique lens through which to explore your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures. These themes offer opportunities to enhance your storytelling and create memorable roleplaying experiences.

  • Theme: Discover the fundamental concepts of theme and how to apply them in your roleplaying games. Learn how themes can serve as the backbone of your narrative, driving character motivations, shaping worldbuilding, and influencing the course of your adventures.

  • Betrayal: The act of breaking trust, whether by loved ones, allies, or society, leads to deeper explorations of themes like Revenge and Justice.

  • Circle of Life: The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, seen in nature-focused settings, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things.

  • Coming of Age: The transition from youth to adulthood focuses on character development, self-discovery, and the challenges of growing up.

  • Environment: The relationship between characters and their surroundings, including natural, urban, or other built environments, highlights the impact of human activity.

  • Faith vs Doubt: The internal and external conflict between belief and skepticism, tied to religious or philosophical undertones, drives narratives of personal struggle and conviction.

  • Family: The dynamics and relationships within a family drive deep emotional and plot points, intersecting with themes like Sacrificial Love and Fate vs Free Will.

  • Fate vs Free Will: The struggle between predestined events and personal choice questions whether characters are bound by destiny or can shape their paths.

  • Good vs Evil: The classic conflict between morally opposite forces explores the gray areas in between and the consequences of such battles.

  • Hope vs Despair: The emotional battle between optimism and hopelessness is central to darker narratives where characters must find the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence leading to downfall is explored through characters who overreach in their ambitions.

  • Identity: The exploration of self, including personal discovery, questions of who one is, and how characters are perceived by others, drives narratives of self-awareness and transformation.

  • Isolation: The physical or emotional state of being cut off from others, whether through loneliness or being removed from society, leads to introspection and survival challenges.

  • Justice: The pursuit of fairness, framed as Justice vs Injustice, explores the balance between law, morality, and vengeance.

  • Legacy: The desire to leave a lasting impact or be remembered drives characters to consider how their actions will affect the future and how they’ll be remembered.

  • Loneliness: The feeling of being alone or isolated, whether emotionally or physically, leads to deep personal exploration and growth.

  • People vs Nature: The struggle between humans and the natural world highlights conflicts with environmental forces and the impact of civilization on nature.

  • People vs Self: The internal conflict where characters battle their own desires, fears, or morality leads to significant character development.

  • People vs Society: The conflict between individuals and the larger societal structures explores themes of rebellion, conformity, and societal change.

  • Power and Corruption: The struggle for control and the corrupting influence of power leads to moral dilemmas and the exploration of human nature.

  • Pursuit of Love: The quest for love in all its forms, whether romantic, platonic, or familial, drives characters' motivations and decisions.

  • Redemption: The journey of seeking forgiveness or making amends for past wrongs involves personal sacrifice and moral reckoning.

  • Revenge: The act of seeking retribution for a wrong leads to morally complex narratives and intersects with themes like Justice and Betrayal.

  • Sacrificial Love: The willingness to sacrifice oneself or something precious for the sake of love intersects with themes of Fate vs Free Will and Good vs Evil.

  • Survival: The struggle to stay alive, whether against natural forces, societal collapse, or personal challenges, drives high-stakes narratives.

  • War: The conflict between opposing groups is used as a backdrop for exploring other themes like Honor, Sacrificial Love, and Justice.

  • Reference: The glossary of terms used by The Simple Approach system, and conversion notes from bringing traits into the roleplaying game of your choice.

The Simple Approach

To understand this book, you need to know the context in which it was written and the philosophy that runs through it. At its core, The Simple Approach emphasizes the elements that truly matter in roleplaying: narrative depth, character complexity, and player agency. While plenty of systems are still obsessed with combat, loot, and grinding, we know roleplaying can be so much more. This system is all about immersive storytelling, meaningful choices, and characters you actually care about. Whether you're uncovering espionage secrets, solving a gripping mystery, or diving into the complexities of romance, The Simple Approach offers a fresh take on traditional genres like fantasy, science fiction, and horror, along with modern and underserved ones like crime, dark academia, and espionage.

Narrative-Based Mechanics

At the heart of The Simple Approach are narrative-based mechanics that are easy to learn and designed to grow with you as you play. They let you tweak what’s here and even add things we haven’t thought of yet. The journaling system replaces those one-size-fits-none character sheets, giving gamemasters a flexible tool for organizing worldbuilding, adventure design, and session notes. Every character, setting, and adventure becomes a unique creation shaped by your choices.

Seamless Integration and Flexibility

The Simple Approach isn’t just a standalone system. You can blend it seamlessly with other Lightspress publications to create one-of-a-kind experiences or bring elements from other systems into your Lightspress game. If you want to use our material with your favorite system or setting, go for it. The free conversion notes in the Lightspress Handbook give you the flexibility to play how you want.

Our Philosophy

We believe the true essence of roleplaying happens around the table, where creativity and collaboration come alive. It’s not about a book, a brand, or a company. It’s about the people playing together, creating something special. Our focus on cooperation, interaction, and investigation ensures that every session is more than just a game; it’s a journey filled with compelling adventures and meaningful connections. We stand by our belief that the heart of roleplaying is found in shared experiences and stories crafted by the players. This philosophy drives everything in The Simple Approach and underpins our commitment to delivering content that champions the true spirit of roleplaying, free from superficial constraints.

Commitment to Creative Freedom

This philosophy also guides our belief that creators should own their work and not be beholden to licensing terms that only benefit fickle corporations. We draw inspiration from historical, mythological, and literary sources, tapping into our shared heritage to fuel creative exploration. We maintain full copyright ownership, ensuring that our work stays independent and true to our vision. Using style guides to keep a cohesive voice and narrative structure, we deliver exceptional content free from external influences, preserving the integrity and creative standards of our work.

Accessible and Affordable Roleplaying

We’re committed to keeping our games affordable so that more people can enjoy them. Our focus isn’t on producing overstuffed, expensive books filled with art to collect dust on a shelf. We’re here to create material meant to be played, not displayed. You won’t find us chasing awards or turning our games into glorified coffee-table books. Our goal is to facilitate roleplaying, pure and simple, keeping the price points low so you can focus on the game, not your wallet.

Stay Connected and Join Us

If you’re tired of the same old grind and ready to try something that actually respects your input, then The Simple Approach is calling your name. We’re not just offering a game. We’re inviting you to join a movement, a way of playing that values your time, creativity, and agency.

For more on The Simple Approach and our unorthodox take on roleplaying, visit Subscribe to our newsletter, The Manifesto, for updates on new releases, roleplaying advice, and a healthy dose of our opinions. If you’re ready to embrace something different, download the free Lightspress Handbook—your guide to what we’re all about.

240 pages. PDF and epub files included.

Unlock the power of literary themes in your roleplaying games with Using Themes. This book shows you how to bring depth and meaning to your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures by using the same thematic concepts that make stories in other media so compelling. Whether you’re a fan of creative storytelling, love diving into character-driven narratives, or enjoy improvisation, this book offers a fresh yet familiar approach to enhance your roleplaying experience. Dive into the heart of your stories and discover how themes can elevate your games to a whole new level.

Navigating This Book

This sourcebook is totally optional. You don’t need it to play any of our games, but it’s here to spice things up if you want. It’s also system-neutral, so feel free to throw its elements into any other roleplaying system. Need some help converting things? Check the notes at the end of the book. And if you want a deeper dive, grab the Lightspress Handbook which is pay-what-you-want (which for most people means free) wherever you got this.

This Book Includes

Below, you'll find a breakdown of the themes covered, each providing a unique lens through which to explore your characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures. These themes offer opportunities to enhance your storytelling and create memorable roleplaying experiences.

  • Theme: Discover the fundamental concepts of theme and how to apply them in your roleplaying games. Learn how themes can serve as the backbone of your narrative, driving character motivations, shaping worldbuilding, and influencing the course of your adventures.

  • Betrayal: The act of breaking trust, whether by loved ones, allies, or society, leads to deeper explorations of themes like Revenge and Justice.

  • Circle of Life: The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, seen in nature-focused settings, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things.

  • Coming of Age: The transition from youth to adulthood focuses on character development, self-discovery, and the challenges of growing up.

  • Environment: The relationship between characters and their surroundings, including natural, urban, or other built environments, highlights the impact of human activity.

  • Faith vs Doubt: The internal and external conflict between belief and skepticism, tied to religious or philosophical undertones, drives narratives of personal struggle and conviction.

  • Family: The dynamics and relationships within a family drive deep emotional and plot points, intersecting with themes like Sacrificial Love and Fate vs Free Will.

  • Fate vs Free Will: The struggle between predestined events and personal choice questions whether characters are bound by destiny or can shape their paths.

  • Good vs Evil: The classic conflict between morally opposite forces explores the gray areas in between and the consequences of such battles.

  • Hope vs Despair: The emotional battle between optimism and hopelessness is central to darker narratives where characters must find the strength to overcome adversity.

  • Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence leading to downfall is explored through characters who overreach in their ambitions.

  • Identity: The exploration of self, including personal discovery, questions of who one is, and how characters are perceived by others, drives narratives of self-awareness and transformation.

  • Isolation: The physical or emotional state of being cut off from others, whether through loneliness or being removed from society, leads to introspection and survival challenges.

  • Justice: The pursuit of fairness, framed as Justice vs Injustice, explores the balance between law, morality, and vengeance.

  • Legacy: The desire to leave a lasting impact or be remembered drives characters to consider how their actions will affect the future and how they’ll be remembered.

  • Loneliness: The feeling of being alone or isolated, whether emotionally or physically, leads to deep personal exploration and growth.

  • People vs Nature: The struggle between humans and the natural world highlights conflicts with environmental forces and the impact of civilization on nature.

  • People vs Self: The internal conflict where characters battle their own desires, fears, or morality leads to significant character development.

  • People vs Society: The conflict between individuals and the larger societal structures explores themes of rebellion, conformity, and societal change.

  • Power and Corruption: The struggle for control and the corrupting influence of power leads to moral dilemmas and the exploration of human nature.

  • Pursuit of Love: The quest for love in all its forms, whether romantic, platonic, or familial, drives characters' motivations and decisions.

  • Redemption: The journey of seeking forgiveness or making amends for past wrongs involves personal sacrifice and moral reckoning.

  • Revenge: The act of seeking retribution for a wrong leads to morally complex narratives and intersects with themes like Justice and Betrayal.

  • Sacrificial Love: The willingness to sacrifice oneself or something precious for the sake of love intersects with themes of Fate vs Free Will and Good vs Evil.

  • Survival: The struggle to stay alive, whether against natural forces, societal collapse, or personal challenges, drives high-stakes narratives.

  • War: The conflict between opposing groups is used as a backdrop for exploring other themes like Honor, Sacrificial Love, and Justice.

  • Reference: The glossary of terms used by The Simple Approach system, and conversion notes from bringing traits into the roleplaying game of your choice.

The Simple Approach

To understand this book, you need to know the context in which it was written and the philosophy that runs through it. At its core, The Simple Approach emphasizes the elements that truly matter in roleplaying: narrative depth, character complexity, and player agency. While plenty of systems are still obsessed with combat, loot, and grinding, we know roleplaying can be so much more. This system is all about immersive storytelling, meaningful choices, and characters you actually care about. Whether you're uncovering espionage secrets, solving a gripping mystery, or diving into the complexities of romance, The Simple Approach offers a fresh take on traditional genres like fantasy, science fiction, and horror, along with modern and underserved ones like crime, dark academia, and espionage.

Narrative-Based Mechanics

At the heart of The Simple Approach are narrative-based mechanics that are easy to learn and designed to grow with you as you play. They let you tweak what’s here and even add things we haven’t thought of yet. The journaling system replaces those one-size-fits-none character sheets, giving gamemasters a flexible tool for organizing worldbuilding, adventure design, and session notes. Every character, setting, and adventure becomes a unique creation shaped by your choices.

Seamless Integration and Flexibility

The Simple Approach isn’t just a standalone system. You can blend it seamlessly with other Lightspress publications to create one-of-a-kind experiences or bring elements from other systems into your Lightspress game. If you want to use our material with your favorite system or setting, go for it. The free conversion notes in the Lightspress Handbook give you the flexibility to play how you want.

Our Philosophy

We believe the true essence of roleplaying happens around the table, where creativity and collaboration come alive. It’s not about a book, a brand, or a company. It’s about the people playing together, creating something special. Our focus on cooperation, interaction, and investigation ensures that every session is more than just a game; it’s a journey filled with compelling adventures and meaningful connections. We stand by our belief that the heart of roleplaying is found in shared experiences and stories crafted by the players. This philosophy drives everything in The Simple Approach and underpins our commitment to delivering content that champions the true spirit of roleplaying, free from superficial constraints.

Commitment to Creative Freedom

This philosophy also guides our belief that creators should own their work and not be beholden to licensing terms that only benefit fickle corporations. We draw inspiration from historical, mythological, and literary sources, tapping into our shared heritage to fuel creative exploration. We maintain full copyright ownership, ensuring that our work stays independent and true to our vision. Using style guides to keep a cohesive voice and narrative structure, we deliver exceptional content free from external influences, preserving the integrity and creative standards of our work.

Accessible and Affordable Roleplaying

We’re committed to keeping our games affordable so that more people can enjoy them. Our focus isn’t on producing overstuffed, expensive books filled with art to collect dust on a shelf. We’re here to create material meant to be played, not displayed. You won’t find us chasing awards or turning our games into glorified coffee-table books. Our goal is to facilitate roleplaying, pure and simple, keeping the price points low so you can focus on the game, not your wallet.

Stay Connected and Join Us

If you’re tired of the same old grind and ready to try something that actually respects your input, then The Simple Approach is calling your name. We’re not just offering a game. We’re inviting you to join a movement, a way of playing that values your time, creativity, and agency.

For more on The Simple Approach and our unorthodox take on roleplaying, visit Subscribe to our newsletter, The Manifesto, for updates on new releases, roleplaying advice, and a healthy dose of our opinions. If you’re ready to embrace something different, download the free Lightspress Handbook—your guide to what we’re all about.

240 pages. PDF and epub files included.