FAQ: Why are you sidelining DoubleZero?

Compare this screenshot from DriveThruRPG, taken a few minutes before posting this. The first row is “hottest titles”, i.e. what’s selling the most. The second row is “newest titles”, i.e. the stuff that’s been released in the past couple of weeks. As you can see, DoubleZero is not selling as well as other material. This is not a recent trend, so obviously, hitting pause to regroup and rethink the future of the line is the best thing to do. The final two titles in this iteration of the line will be released next week.

A screenshot of the Lightspress page on DriveThruRPG showing hottest titles versus recent releases. All of the hottest titles are not DoubleZero. All of the recent releases are DoubleZero. The conclusion is that DoubleZero is not selling as well.

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