Game Most Recently Played (#RPGaDay2024.02)

Today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt, "Most recently played," gives us a great excuse to talk about some of the games we've been diving into lately. We could easily turn this into a plug for our latest creations: The Suspicion Engine, Raven & River, and Seven Valleys. These games have been at the forefront of our playtesting and finalizing efforts, and they offer some unique experiences worth sharing. 

First off, The Suspicion Engine. This game is all about modern roleplaying with a twist of mystery and intrigue. We've been honing its mechanics to create a seamless experience where players can dive deep into detective work, uncovering secrets and navigating complex social dynamics. The beauty of The Suspicion Engine is its versatility. Whether you're a fan of intense roleplaying sessions or prefer a more casual approach, this game adapts to your style. We've crafted it to be accessible yet deeply engaging, ensuring that every session feels fresh and exciting.

Next, let's talk about Raven & River. This one leans into journaling games, providing a reflective and introspective experience. Raven & River allows players to explore their characters' inner thoughts and emotions through narrative prompts and personal storytelling. It's a game that can be played solo, making it perfect for those quiet moments when you want to explore your character's psyche. The interchangeable elements we've developed mean you can seamlessly integrate elements of The Suspicion Engine into Raven & River, adding layers of complexity and intrigue to your journaling.

Finally, we have Seven Valleys, our latest venture into fantasy roleplaying. This game takes you on epic journeys through a richly imagined world filled with magic, danger, and adventure. We've been fine-tuning the mechanics to ensure that players have the freedom to explore, create, and shape their destinies. Seven Valleys stands out because of its modular design, allowing you to incorporate elements from both The Suspicion Engine and Raven & River. This means you can weave modern intrigue and personal journaling into your fantasy adventures, creating a truly unique experience.

What makes these games special is their shared, interchangeable elements. This design philosophy allows you to move easily between different genres and styles of play. Whether you're solving mysteries in a modern setting, reflecting on your character's journey, or going on a fantasy quest, these games offer a cohesive and adaptable framework.

In our sessions, we've seen players seamlessly transition from one game to another, enhancing their narratives with diverse themes and mechanics. This flexibility not only keeps the roleplaying dynamic but also encourages creativity and experimentation. You might start an evening with The Suspicion Engine, uncovering a web of secrets, then shift to Raven & River to explore your character's inner turmoil. The possibilities are endless.

These games have been designed to cater to various play styles. If you enjoy deep roleplaying and character development, you'll find plenty to love in Raven & River. If you're more into strategic thinking and problem-solving, The Suspicion Engine has got you covered. And if epic adventures and worldbuilding are your jam, Seven Valleys will transport you to a place where your imagination can run wild.

As we've been playing these games, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Players appreciate the seamless integration of different elements and the freedom to tailor their experiences. This has reinforced our belief that roleplaying games should be flexible, inclusive, and above all, fun.

So, the next time you gather around the table, remember that these games are on the way. Whether you stick to one or mix and match elements from all three, you're in for a unique and engaging experience. These not only offer new mechanics and settings but also enhance your storytelling potential, allowing you to create memorable and meaningful adventures.


The Simple Approach to The Art of Adaptation


First Roleplaying Game Bought This Year (#RPGaDay2024.01)