The Simple Approach to The Art of Adaptation

An earlier, shorter edition of this was previously published under the title  Using Non-Roleplaying Material in Fantasy Roleplaying

As a lifelong roleplaying enthusiast, I've always been fascinated by the creativity of the hobby. One of the most thrilling elements of preparing for a game is constructing a vivid, immersive world for players to explore. To achieve this, many gamemasters and game designers, including myself, turn to a wide array of sources for inspiration. These sources include popular novels, television shows, movies, and other media. This essay aims to dig into the art of "idea mining" from these non-roleplaying materials and explore how they can be skillfully adapted to enhance our fantasy roleplaying scenarios.

The importance of adapting various media into roleplaying settings lies in its ability to enhance the depth and authenticity of the experience. It not only provides a reservoir of ideas for plots, characters, and settings but also helps in creating a shared frame of reference among players, making the roleplaying experience more engaging and relatable. This essay will guide fellow gamemasters on how to identify suitable elements from their favorite media, and  how to transform these elements in ways that fit seamlessly into the mechanics and spirit of their roleplaying games. In sharing insights and methods for this creative process, I hope to empower others to broaden their narrative horizons and craft truly unique roleplaying experiences.

This edition uses simpler language and includes more tips and examples. The previous version's faux-academic tone and humor didn't quite land, so we've made it more accessible and straightforward.

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