Lightspress Manifesto Lightspress Lightspress Manifesto Lightspress

Lightspress Manifesto: 18 June 2024

Over the coming weeks, you might see some blog posts and product descriptions containing a bit of… let’s call it forced… language. While we’re doing our best to avoid making it cringeworthily obvious and allow the text to flow as organically as possible we are, as any other business, subject to the whims of soulless algorithms. By strategically injecting keywords, we hope to maximize our search engine optimization and draw in more readers and customers. It’s an ugly truth, and one want to be transparent about. We’re a small publisher in a relatively small niche. We have to make that coin somehow, and this is, sadly, how the world works now.

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Lightspress Manifesto Lightspress Lightspress Manifesto Lightspress

Lightspress Manifesto: 11 June 2024

This week brings another minor-but-significant change as the newsletter merges with the blog. From now on, you can access the Lightspress Manifesto freely on the blog, but won't receive it via email unless you’re subscribed. Originally, we planned to offer exclusive discounts in the newsletter to boost subscriptions and sales. However, the blog attracts more readers, and only a couple of people occasionally use the discount code.

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