Lightspress Manifesto: 6 August 2024

There are two big things I want to talk about this week. Details will be forthcoming over the next few newsletters, so for now I’ll keep it brief. First, I’m working on a book titled LIGHTSPRESS HANDBOOK. It will contain a primer on our philosophy of roleplaying, an overview of the game system we’ll be using going forward, an overview all of our game lines, conversation notes for both our systems and other publishers’ games, and an extensive frequently asked questions chapter. This will be a free book. I envision it as a living document, to be updated periodically.

The second announcement is about that system, singular. I’ve been talking about The Suspicion Engine, which we’ll be using for modern settings. Raven & River is for the journaling games. Seven Valleys will be for fantasy, and so on. A key feature is that they’ll all be cross-compatible. The reason they work together is because they’re the same system, with slight variations for genre. So to make everyone’s life easier, I’ve been working to find a single name that works for what I’m intending to do, that would also clear legal.

You probably didn’t notice that our tagline is being changed from “A Simple Approach to Roleplaying” to “The Simple Approach to Roleplaying”. It’s a small change, from a non-specific article to a specific one. The reason is because that’s the official system name: The Simple Approach. I’ll save the whys and wherefores for another time.

I hope you’re doing well today.

New Releases

Here’s what’s new in the Lightspress shop this week!

The Art of Adaptation

An earlier, shorter edition of this was previously published under the title  Using Non-Roleplaying Material in Fantasy Roleplaying

As a lifelong roleplaying enthusiast, I've always been fascinated by the creativity of the hobby. One of the most thrilling aspects of preparing for a game is constructing a vivid, immersive world for players to explore. To achieve this, many gamemasters and game designers, including myself, turn to a wide array of sources for inspiration. These sources include popular novels, television shows, movies, and other media. This essay aims to dig into the art of "idea mining" from these non-roleplaying materials and explore how they can be skillfully adapted to enhance our fantasy roleplaying scenarios.

Shakespearean Adventures

Shakespearean Adventures is designed to help you create immersive, Shakespearean-themed roleplaying game adventures using beat charts. This book is system-neutral, allowing you to adapt its principles to any game system you prefer, while also being fully compatible with The Suspicion Engine system published by Lightspress. Whether you're a seasoned gamemaster or new to the craft, you'll find practical tools and inspiration to bring the drama, intrigue, and timeless themes of Shakespeare's works to your gaming table. Let's embark on this journey together, enhancing your roleplaying experiences with the essence of the Bard.

Shakespearean Characters

Shakespearean Characters is your essential guide to crafting vivid, compelling characters for your Shakespearean roleplaying adventures. Here, I offer a comprehensive exploration of character traits across various categories—from their roles in the story to their deepest motivations and unique quirks. Whether you're a player looking to breathe life into your character or a gamemaster aiming to enhance your narrative, this book provides the tools you need. Designed to be system-neutral, it seamlessly integrates with any roleplaying game, especially those published by Lightspress, ensuring that you can apply these insights to enhance your roleplaying experience.

Romance Adventures

Romance Adventures is your comprehensive guide to crafting unforgettable romantic narratives in your roleplaying games. This system-neutral book arms you with beat charts tailored to develop romance-driven storylines that captivate and engage. Whether you're a seasoned gamemaster or just starting, these tools will seamlessly integrate with any gaming system, including The Suspicion Engine by Lightspress. Dive into the art of romance in your adventures and watch as your players explore the depths of passion, conflict, and connection in ways you've never imagined before.

Romance Characters

Romance Characters is a comprehensive guide designed to help you create compelling characters for your romance roleplaying games. In this book, I'll walk you through various categories to develop characters that feel real and engaging. We'll explore everything from their roles in the story, backgrounds, and histories, to their personality traits, physical features, and motivations. You'll find insights on their strengths and weaknesses, quirks and habits, values and beliefs, and how they handle conflicts. This guide is system-neutral, making it versatile for any game, though it's fully compatible with those published by Lightspress. Let's dive in and bring your romance characters to life.

Dionysian Fantasy

Dionysus, also known to the Romans as Bacchus, occupies a unique position in classical mythology. Renowned as the god of wine, festivity, and chaos, his narrative weaves through themes of joy, terror, and the sublime, presenting a deity who defies the simplicity of categorization. This exploration seeks to investigate the Dionysian ethos, applying its multifaceted symbolism and thematic elements to the framework of fantasy roleplaying settings. By doing so, it aims to offer players and gamemasters a novel dimension of roleplaying that emphasizes emotional depth, narrative complexity, and the inherently chaotic nature of human experience. This paper will unfold the layers of Dionysian myth, adapt its potent themes to roleplaying scenarios, and provide a detailed blueprint for integrating these elements into game design, character development, and storytelling.

Satanic Fantasy (Traditional Satanism Version)

In Satanic Fantasy, I will explore the historical and cultural facets of traditional Satanism and its intriguing applications within fantasy roleplaying settings. The narrative potential of Satanism, with its complex symbols and themes, offers a compelling backdrop for crafting detailed worlds and dynamic character interactions. My aim is to uncover how traditional Satanism can influence various elements of roleplaying games, including character development, faction dynamics, worldbuilding, and the structuring of adventures.

Satanic Fantasy (Modern Satanism Edition)

When incorporating modern Satanism into roleplaying settings, understanding its principles and values is essential. As practiced by groups like the Satanic Temple, it emphasizes non-theistic beliefs, altruism, and the separation of Church and State. By integrating these elements, I have created compelling narratives and characters, enhancing the roleplaying experience. This paper will cover how modern Satanism can influence characters, factions, worldbuilding, and adventures, providing a comprehensive guide for gamemasters and players.

This Month’s Discount Code

This month’s code is RPGADAY

It will save you 20% off your entire purchase through 31 August 2024.

The Light of Day

Yeah, I finally realized that newsletter template still had the old blog title. D’oh! In case you missed them, new and notable posts on the blog!

Join Us for #RPGaDay2024

We are thrilled to announce that Lightspress will participate in #RPGaDay2024 throughout August. This annual event, created by Autocratik and run by David F. Chapman, celebrates all things roleplaying. Each day in August, we'll be sharing our thoughts, stories, and insights on a variety of roleplaying-related prompts. It’s a fantastic opportunity to try to connect with the global community, reflect on our experiences, and share our passion for the hobby. Read More

First Roleplaying Game Bought This Year (#RPGaDay2024.01)

Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt, "First roleplaying game bought this year," brings up some interesting… let’s call them “debates”. What exactly counts as a game? Core rules? Source material for an existing game? It feels like this question is designed to cater to the hardcore roleplayers while conveniently ignoring folks who stick to their favorite, not-current edition of Dungeons & Dragons or another long-time favorite they’ve owned since high school or college. Read More

Game Most Recently Played (#RPGaDay2024.02)

Today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt, "Most recently played," gives us a great excuse to talk about some of the games we've been diving into lately. We could easily turn this into a plug for our latest creations: The Suspicion Engine, Raven & River, and Seven Valleys. These games have been at the forefront of our playtesting and finalizing efforts, and they offer some unique experiences worth sharing.  Read More

Most Often Played Roleplaying Game (#RPGaDay2024.03)

Today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt, "Most often played roleplaying game," could go in a few directions. Are we talking about recently, this year, or over a lifetime? Each gives a different answer and paints a different picture of my roleplaying journey. Read More

Roleplaying Game with Great Art (#RPGaDay2024.04)

Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt, "Roleplaying game with great art," feels like a bit of a personal attack. One of our core principles is challenging the idea that roleplaying games need art to be great. It’s not that we don’t appreciate art—we absolutely do. But when it comes to roleplaying, the magic happens around the table, in the collaborative storytelling and creativity shared among the players. Read More

Roleplaying Game with Great Writing (#RPGaDay2024.05)

Today's prompt for #RPGaDay2024 is "roleplaying game with great writing." Let’s clear something up right away. If you’re on the hunt for a singular roleplaying book with “great writing,” you’re barking up the wrong tree. And if you’re clutching your pearls right now, hold on. We’re going to be intentionally obtuse here because that’s part of the Lightspress philosophy. Let’s dive into why. Read More

Thank You

The Lightspress Manifesto is our official weekly newsletter, delivering information on new and upcoming releases, sales and events, and sources of creative inspiration directly to your email inbox. It's your essential guide to all things Lightspress, and the best part? It's completely free. Stay connected and subscribe to The Lightspress Manifesto now!

Lightspress promotes a simple approach to roleplaying, focusing on the utility and value of the content rather than flashy production. We strategically employ visual elements to amplify the message conveyed by the text, allowing us to create powerful and affordable toolkits. Remember, the true essence of the roleplaying experience lies not within the pages of a book, but in the creativity and collaboration fostered around your tabletop.


The Simple Approach to Crime in Fantasy


Roleplaying Game That is Easy to Use (#RPGaDay2024.06)