Lightspress Manifesto: 13 August 2024

In this issue we’ve got new releases and updates from #RPGaDay 2024. Everything previously announced is still in development, but we’ve had to pivot on a few things. We all live in the same economy; you know how things are going. I had to take a hard look at what’s been selling, and what hasn’t, and make some schedule changes so we can keep the bills paid. It doesn’t mean everything won’t be released eventually, but commerce has to take precedence over art once in a while so we can keep the lights on and continue to make awesome stuff. 

I wish I had the time and energy to dive into all the details of our upcoming games. Between scrambling to get new releases out the door and keeping up with #RPGaDay2024, my bandwidth is completely maxed out. I’m putting in the effort to make sure the quality of the new and future releases doesn’t suffer, which means some things have to take a back seat. I know everyone’s eager for updates, and I’m sorry to disappoint, but I just can’t manage it at the moment. In a few weeks, once things settle down a bit, I’ll have some big news to share. Until then, I appreciate your patience.

I hope you’re doing well today.

New Releases

Here’s what’s new in the Lightspress shop this week!

Adventure Design: The Breakout Adventure

Adventure Design: The Breakout Adventure is your exclusive toolkit for crafting escape stories in tabletop roleplaying games. This system-agnostic and genre-neutral book equips you with everything you need to create thrilling adventures where characters must outsmart captors, navigate intricate traps, and find freedom.

If you're a fan of gripping escape narratives, you'll feel right at home with this toolkit. Dive into the tension and excitement of stories like The Count of Monte Cristo, Escape from New York, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Midnight Express, and The Great Escape.

The Foragers Guild Guide to Espionage in Fantasy

Join the intrigue of The Foragers Guild Guide to Espionage in Fantasy, an enthralling book that masterfully combines the espionage genre with your favorite fantasy settings. This character-centric, plot-driven resource invites you to explore a realm where spies, double agents, and covert missions are the norm. Immerse yourself in intricate plots inspired by The Lies of Locke Lamora, The Gentleman Bastard series, and the Night Angel Trilogy. Whether you're a veteran roleplayer or new to the scene, uncover the secrets and hidden agendas of espionage fantasy. Connect with a domain where your next covert operation is just a roll away!

The Foragers Guild Guide to Crime in Fantasy

Join the intrigue and adventure of The Foragers Guild Guide to Crime in Fantasy, a captivating book that seamlessly blends the crime genre with your favorite fantasy settings. This story-focused, character-driven resource immerses you in a world where heists, cons, and clandestine operations are the order of the day. Dive into detailed scenarios inspired by Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser, Thieves’ World, and the Vlad Taltos novels. Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer or new to the experience, explore the dark alleys and hidden treasures of crime fantasy. Connect with a realm where your next score is just a roll away!

This MONTH’s Discount Code

This week’s code is RPGADAY

It will save you 20% off your entire purchase until 31 August 2024.

The Light of Day

In case you missed them, new and notable posts on the blog!

Why We Added a Donate Page

When it comes to running a small business, there's a lot to juggle, especially in the roleplaying space. Yes, we're here to create and sell our books, and yes, that’s how we keep the lights on. But today, I want to talk about something a little different. We've added a donate page to our website, and no, it’s not because we expect something for nothing. Quite the opposite. Read More

Roleplaying Game with 'Good Form' (#RPGaDay2024.07)

Today's prompt for #RPGaDay2024 is "roleplaying game with 'good form.'" Alright, let’s break this down. What exactly is “good form”? If you think it means conforming to some outdated social convention, think again. It’s 2024, folks, and the idea of good form has evolved – or at least it should have. Read More

An Accessory You Appreciate (#RPGaDay2024.08)

Today's prompt for #RPGaDay2024 is "An accessory you appreciate." Let’s get one thing straight right away: I’m too old for anything toyetic. If you’re looking for an ode to dice towers shaped like dragon skulls or miniatures with more detail than a Renaissance painting, you’re in the wrong place. Let’s talk about something that actually matters in the long run: my bullet journal. Read More

An Accessory You'd Like to See (#RPGaDay2024.09)

Today's prompt for #RPGaDay2024 is "An accessory you'd like to see." Let’s get this straight: I’m too old for anything toyetic. If it’s flashy, gimmicky, or designed to gather dust on a shelf, count me out. What I want is an accessory that’s actually useful, something that enhances my game in a meaningful way. So, let’s follow up on yesterday’s answer about the bullet journal and talk about planner stickers and washi tape that represent specific genres or even specific games. Read More

Roleplaying Game You'd Like to See on TV (#RPGaDay2024.10)

Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "roleplaying game you'd like to see on TV." Let's get one thing straight: when we say "roleplaying game," we’re not talking about a book. We’re not even talking about a setting, really. We’re talking about the creative, collaborative experience that happens around the table—the characters, the stories, the unexpected twists, and the shared laughter (or tears, depending on how your last session went). Read More

Roleplaying Game with Well-Supported One-Shots (#RPGaDay2024.11)

Today’s #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "roleplaying game with well-supported one-shots." And honestly? I have no idea. Seriously, I’m not being modest here—I really only know about my own work and things that are over a decade old. But hey, that’s not going to stop me from talking about why I love one-shots and why they’re such an essential part of the roleplaying experience. Read More

Thank You

The Lightspress Manifesto is our official weekly newsletter, delivering information on new and upcoming releases, sales and events, and sources of creative inspiration directly to your email inbox. It's your essential guide to all things Lightspress, and the best part? It's completely free. Stay connected and subscribe to The Lightspress Manifesto now!

Lightspress promotes a simple approach to roleplaying, focusing on the utility and value of the content rather than flashy production. We strategically employ visual elements to amplify the message conveyed by the text, allowing us to create powerful and affordable toolkits. Remember, the true essence of the roleplaying experience lies not within the pages of a book, but in the creativity and collaboration fostered around your tabletop.


Compelling Characters (#RPGaDay2024.14)


Evocative Environments (#RPGaDay2024.13)